Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Walkthrough Warrior Orochi 2

Warriors Orochi 2 FAQ
Version 1.2

Last updated 02/23/2009 at 2:53 A.M.

Written By Trawn Garton


---Table of contents---------------
Use ctrl + f To Quick jump.

00.)---Version history---[VERSION]


02.)---Controller layout default---[BUTTONS]

03.)---The easiest way to get Level 4 weapons.---[LEVEL 4]

04.)---Unlocking Dream / Dramatic mode stages.---[DREAM]

05.)---Leveling Up Proficiency---[LEVEL UP]

06.)---Sun Jian's Suicide Trick.---[SUICIDE]

07.)---Orochi X---[OROCHI X]

08.)---Yoshitsune Minamoto's Orange light sword---[ORANGE]

09.)---Sengoku/Samurai Stage 3---[BEAT SW-3]

10.A)---Hidden Moves---[HIDDEN MOVES]

10.B)---Hidden Moves For Shu Warriors---[HM SHU]

10.C)---Hidden Moves For Wei Warriors---[HM WEI]

10.D)---Hidden Moves For WU Warriors---[HM WU]

10.E)---Hidden Moves For Other 1 Warriors---[HM OTHER1]

10.F)---Hidden Moves For Other 2 Warriors---[HM OTHER2]

10.G)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 1 Warriors---[HM SW1]

10.H)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 2 Warriors---[HM SW2]

10.I)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 3 Warriors---[HM SW3]

11.A)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Shu---[SWS SHU]

11.B)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Wei---[SWS WEI]

11.C)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Wu---[SWS WU]

11.D)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Other 1---[SWS OTHER 1]

11.E)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Other 2---[SWS OTHER 2]

11.F)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 1---[SWS SAMURAI 1]

11.G)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 2---[SWS SAMURAI 2]

11.H)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 3---[SWS SAMURAI 3]

12.)---Frequently Asked Questions---[FAQ's]

13.)---Special Thanks---[THANKS]

14.)---Legal Stuff---[LEGAL]


00.)---Version history---[VERSION]

Version 1.0 - 1st release.

Version 1.1 - 2nd release.
Added Version history.
Fixed Table of contents.
Added almost if not all of the hidden moves.
Fixed multiple spelling errors.
Added more details for how to beat SW-3.

Version 1.2 - 3rd release.

Fixed some line breaker errors.

Version 1.3 - 4th


Welcome to my 1st FAQ on Gamefaqs For Warriors Orochi 2.

This guide is meant to serve as a general FAQ on the most commonly
asked about subjects that many players will or have had a hard
time figuring out.

I have included in this FAQ a segment on Orochi X so you can get an
understanding of exactly what you are playing so long for.

And I have included most if not all of the Hidden moves not listed
on the team info move list screen.

Also in this FAQ I will be providing you with Suggested Weapon
Setups for all of the Characters in the game. This part of the FAQ
is for those of you who just want to have fun with the Character
Weapon motions. And do not care about causing the maximum amount
of damage possible. This part of the FAQ is also in No way intended
to be a suggested setup for the maximum damage that you can a
muster up with the characters. If you want to go
that route than by all means you are free to do so.

These are just suggestions for how to set up the weapons and still
have fun with the enemy knock back because going the max damage
route usually involves putting the Bolt Effect on everything and
that messes up the fun in the human bowling aspect of things. 

The suggestions can be taken into consideration or ignored completely.

(On a side note about the Suggested Weapon Setups on this FAQ. I will
not be adding ways to maximize the damage with the setups.
Example: All you need to do is keep spaming the same move over and
over again.)

Ok now with that out of the way on to the FAQ.


02.)---Controller layout default---[BUTTONS]

For those of you who are playing the Japan version of this game,
or it is your 1st time playing a warriors game and do not know what
buttons do what. Then here is the default controller layout for
the game.

Square = attack.

Triangle = charge attack.

Circle = use musou.

Hold circle = charge the musou gauge if not full.

Cross = jump/mount/dismount.

L1 = block.

R1 = special attack.

R1 while moving the left analog stick = secondary Special attack on
select warriors.

L2 = switch character left slot.

R2 = switch character right slot.

start = pause/menu.

Select = call your horse to your side.

L3 = no use.

R3 = switch map type.

L2+R2+Circle = Triple attack. When the currently controlled warriors
life is in the red and all 3 warriors on your team have full Musou
bars. Conditions for this change with certain weapon upgrades.

For explanations of R1 moves and move strings check
team info/moves list.


03.)---The easiest way to get Level 4 weapons.---[LEVEL 4]

The easiest way to get Level 4 weapons is to go to SW-1 That is 
Samurai Warriors stage #1 on chaos mode. With the Ability Karma at 
the maximum level of 15 equipped.
There are 4 officers here that drop weapon boxes and every box you
pick up contains 1 weapon for all 3 of the warriors you selected for
the current battle.

Do not let the words Chaos mode scare you. It is just a slightly less
easy mode. SW-1 can be completed in less than 3 minutes.

The Level 4 weapons all have a gold background
in the picture and a high usually over +60 base attack rating.


04.)---Unlocking Dream / Dramatic mode stages.---[DREAM]

Info for the requirements for unlocking the Dream / Dramatic mode
stages was provided by Kiziek99.

1.) - Have Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan each reach level 50

2.) - Have Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu each reach level 50

3.) - Clear Sengoku/Samurai chapter 2, Wu chapter 4, Orochi chapter 2.

4.) - Clear Sengoku/Samurai chapter 2.

5.) - Clear Sengoku/Samurai chapter 3.

6.) - Obtain 15 different Ingredients/Treasures.

7.) - Clear Wei chapter 3, Shu stage 3.

8.) - Obtain all Ingredients/Treasures.

9.) - Clear Wei chapter 7.

10.) - Initially opened.

11.) - Clear Wei chapter 6, Wu chapter 6, Sengoku/Samurai chapter 4.

12.) - Clear Wei chapter 4, Wu chapter 5.

13.) - Clear all 5 story modes.

14.) - Clear Wu-8 final chapter.

15.) - Clear Wei-8 final chapter.

16.) - Have Gan Ning, Kotaro, and Zhang Liao reach level 99.

17.) - Clear 20 stages in story mode.

18.) -  Have Huang Zhong, Xiahou Yuan, and Ina (-Hime) reach level 99.

19.) - Initially opened.

20.) - Sum of all character levels equals 1,820 or more.

21.) - Clear Sengoku/Samurai final chapter.

22.) - Clear Orochi chapter 5.

23.) - Initially opened.

24.) - Sum of all character levels equals 910 or more.

25.) - Clear 30 stages in story mode.

26.) - Sum of all character levels equals 3,640 or more.

27.) - Sum of all character proficiency levels equals 2,730 or more.

28.) - Clear Orochi final chapter.

The dream mode stage's appear in this order in the game.

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.


05.)---Leveling Up Proficiency---[LEVEL UP]

For those of you who do not quite fully understand how to unlock
Dream/ Dramatic modes/stages #1 and #2. Or are just looking for
the fastest way to level up your proficiency levels than this
part of the FAQ is just right for you.

1st off an explanation of where to find the current proficiency level
of the warrior.
In the Team Info screen there is an extra bar that says xx/50 this is
the proficiency level of the warriors. Each warrior has their own bar
that goes up to level 50/50.

Now on to who you should get to the max proficiency levels of 50/50
post haste.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu

Why? Because after Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan all reach
proficiency level 50 than dream stage #1 is unlocked. And after
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu all reach proficiency level 50 than
dream stage #2 is unlocked.

To accomplish this quickly please look at the flowing map.
And play on easy there is no reason to do this on a harder mode.



You - You start here.

Clear out the enemy forces in this order. (Just like connecting
the dots.)

* - If you take to long kill these guys also.

Play through Wu-4 over and over again until you have maxed out the
proficiency bars.

For every officer you kill you get 100 point towards filling the
current proficiency levels bar. And for every 5 officers you kill you
get 1proficiency level point in the bar and the level goes up.
(Example: 01/50 to 02/50.) You can also get points by just
killing normal enemies but it is not worth it.

The scale for the proficiency level is.

1 enemy = 1 point towards filling the current proficiency levels bar.
1 officer = 100 points towards filling the current proficiency levels

And it takes 500 points toward filling the current proficiency levels
bar to make the level go up by 1. I will use an example of 01/50 to
Either kill 500 enemies or 5 officers to make the level of the bar go
up by 1.

Proficiency is only gained by the current controlled warrior and each
warrior must meet the requirements by their own merit. Meaning that
Cao Cao must kill 250 officers by himself. Liu Bei must kill 250
officers by himself. Sun Quan must kill 250 officers by himself.
Nobunaga must kill 250 officers by himself. Hideyoshi must kill 250
officers by himself. And Ieyasu must kill 250 officers by himself.
And so on and so on.

There is about 45 seconds to 2 minutes of message spam at the end of
each run through. Nothing too bad and it is kind of fun sitting there
listening to the Warrior's repeatedly saying thier win phrase.
However if you are using the Sun Jian's Suicide trick to accuratly
unlock the stage you must not Suicide when the last warrior that needs
to meet the requirement for unlocking the stage reaches his
Requirements. Meaning that if on the current run through the other 2
have the 50/50 proficiency level and you will end up with the 50/50
proficiency level for the controlled warrior to unlock the stage. Then
you must finish the stage by killing Lu Bu and Kiyomori Taira. Or you
will have to play any stage again with one of the 3 warriors needed to
unlock the Dream / Dramatic mode stage and finish by winning the stage
to unlock the Dream / Dramatic mode stage.


06.)---Sun Jian's Suicide Trick.---[SUICIDE]

Kill yourself and save time with this handy little trick.

How to do Sun Jian's Suicide Trick.

You do it by adding a Level 18-19 Sun Jian in your team. If you do not
have Level 18-19 Sun Jian go to the warrior reset in the options menu
and reset only Sun Jian then level him back up until he is at level
18-19. But do not level Sun Jian up any further than Level 19.

Why you want to do Sun Jian's Suicide Trick.

At the end of Wu-4 There is about 45 seconds to 2 mins of message spam
at the end of each run through. Sun Jian's Suicide Trick can get
around this and save you some time when Leveling up your Characters.
Kill officers in order as laid out in the map in the leveling up
section of this guide.
Except Lu Bu(24) and Kiyomori Taira(23) than use Sun Jian's
Dir R1. Do it until Sun Jian's health is Red, then die by Lu Bu's
or Kiyomori Taira's hands and you'll get defeated and the game will
ask you to save your data. SAVE. Then you are sent to the main menu.
The reason of this is that even if you're dead, your experience and
Proficiency that you acquired in that stage won't disappear. And with
this way you can skip the time lag when you complete a stage.


07.)---Orochi X---[OROCHI X]

The 2nd biggest prize in the game. In this part I will tell you
exactly what to expect from Orochi X.

How to unlock Orochi X.

After you clear all of the stages for all 5 of the
scenarios at least once in story mode (on easy), and all of the Dream
/ Dramatic mode stages at least once (on easy). Then he becomes
available for use.

Detailed info on Orochi X.

Orochi X only has 1 costume. 

Orochi X has no extra abilities to get. If you are missing any of the
abilitty levels then play with the other warriors to unlock them.

Orochi X's weapons are the same as Orochi's.

Orochi X's move set.

S1. - Turns invisible for the duration of S1 and performs a
downwards stroke with his weapon.

C1. - Looks at his hand and throws a red eye laser/beam of death.

S2. - Slams the head of his weapon into the ground causing a fire
explosion. (Like the effect of one of Huang Gai's bombs going off.)

C2-1. - Jumps and Knocks the enemy into the air with his weapon.

C2-2. - Follows the enemy up in to the air while spinning in circles.
(This move looks like a reverse of Xu Huang's JC only Orochi X is
spinning up instead of down.)

S3. - Circular slashing attack from left to right.

C3. - Throws a Large red energy beam at the enemy.

S4. - Swipes weapon from left to right.

C4. - Creates a large red and black energy field around himself that
attacks anything it touches.

S5. - Swipes weapon from right to left.

S6. - Circular slashing attack from right to left.

S7. - Swipes weapon from left to right.

S8. - Swipes weapon from right to left.

S9. - Thrust his weapon creating multiple ice cubes.

JS. - Throws a fire ball in front of himself at the ground. 

JC. - Performs 2 or 3 front flips and lands with a massive Circular
energy shockwave.

Musou - Rises hand up to the sky and then slams hand on the ground
causing a massive Circular energy shockwave ending with a downward
slash of his weapon and turning him invisible for about 15 seconds.

True Musou - Rises hand up to the sky and then slams hand on
the ground causing a massive Circular energy shockwave ending with 2
horizontal swipes of his weapon and a downward slash of his
weapon and turning him invisible for about 15 seconds.

R1 - Flies forward to grab an enemy then creates a dome like
sphere where he stands and than rapidly Attacks the area inside
the dome on all sides.

Support Attack - Orochi X uses C4 from his move string.


08.)---Yoshitsune Minamoto's Orange light sword---[ORANGE]

How to make Yoshitsune Minamoto's light sword turn orange.

Push R1 and grab an enemy. Then do at least a 100-hit combo. Shortly
after (before the buff runs out) will give you the Orange Sword of

When you have the Orange Sword of Light none of your attacks
will carry elements. The sword itself has Bolt and something
else attached. But when the sword is orange no elements
will activate. So this is really just for show and a slightly
longer blade.


09.)---Sengoku/Samurai Stage 3---[BEAT SW-3]

How to beat SW-3.

Rush through the stage killing only the Generals, Sorcerer, and
Gate Captain's. Until you get to where Kanetsugu is.
When you get to Kanetsugu run around to the north where
you would enter the area before the enemy's main camp area to start a
fire. This gate will not open at this time so return to Kanetsugu.
Kanetsugu enters a bodyguard like state after you reach him.
Escort him to Yukimura's and Sakon's location by destroying
anything that is left in your paths on the way back. Then after
Kanetsugu and Yukimura and Sakon meet up and after some message spam
you will then need to get Sakon into the forest where you set off the
fire. After Sakon gets to the forest Fu Xi will appear and point out
that there is another Sorcerer. Kill the Sorcerer and the gate to the
enemy commander will open so you can finish the stage.


10.A)---Hidden Moves---[HIDDEN MOVES]

Here I will list some of the moves that are not listed on the
Team Info move string list.


J - Jump Button.

S - Standard attack button.

C - Charge attack button.

C(#)-ex: For tech types, pressing R1 instead of Charge attack in
the string.

C(#): When to use Charge attack after pre ambling with standard
[e.g. C4 means you press Standard attack 3 times and then Charge

C(#)-(#)[Example: C2-3 means you press Standard attack once and 3
Charge attacks]

JS-(#) - Jumping than pushing the Standard attack button in the air.
[e.g. JS-(#) The number of times that the S button is to be pressed
after jumping.] 

JC-(#) - Jumping than pushing the Charge attack button in the air.
[e.g. JS-(#) The number of times that the C button is to be pressed
after jumping.]

JT-S(#)Jumping then pushing the jump button again to preform a
Aerial thrust followed by the Standard attack button in the air.

[e.g. JT-S(#) The number of times that the S button is to be pressed
after thrusting.]

JT-C(#) Jumping than pushing the jump button again to preform a
Aerial thrust followed by the Charge attack button in the air.
[e.g. JT-C(#) The number of times that the C button is to be pressed
after thrusting.]

R1 - Special attack button.

Dir R1 - Use of R1 while tilting the Left analog stick.


10.B)---Hidden Moves For Shu Warriors---[HM SHU]

Zhao Yun -  JC-2 or JC-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
Captures the enemy in an air combo for each extra time you push the
C button in the air 2 extra hits will be added to the combo.
Limit of pressing C 3 times.

Guan Yu - Wall jumper JC.

Zhang Fei - Wall jumper JC.

Zhuge Liang - None.

Liu Bei - None.

Ma Chao - Wall jumper JC.

Huang Zhong - C1-2, C1-3, C1-4, C1-5, C1-6, Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C1-2, C1-3, C1-4, C1-5, C1-6, Keep on firing more arrows.

Jiang Wei - None.

Wei Yan C6-2 or C6-3. Wall jumper JT-C1.

Move descriptions.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Pang Tong - Wall jumper JC.

Yue Ying - C1-2, C2-3, C6-2, C6-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C1 and C6.

Guan Ping - C4-2 or C4-3

Move descriptions.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C4 with forward momentum.

Xing Cai - C4-2. 

Move description.
She will do an extra move where she throws her shield.


10.C)---Hidden Moves For Wei Warriors---[HM WEI]

Xiahou Dun - C1-2, JC-2 or JC-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C1-2. After running preformes an extra slice with his weapon.

JC-2 or JC-3. Captures the enemy in an air combo for each extra
time you push the C button in the air 2 extra hits will be added
to the combo. Limit of pressing C 3 times.

Dian Wei - Wall jumper JC.

Xu Zhu - C6-2, C6-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C6-2, C6-3 Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6 with
a little forward momentum.

Cao Cao - C6-2, C6-3, Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C6-2 and C6-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6 with
a little forward momentum.

Xiahou Yuan - C1-2, C1-3, C1-4, C6-2, C6-3,

Move descriptions.
C1-2, C1-3, C1-4. Keep on firing more arrows.

C6-2, C6-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6 with
a little forward momentum.

Zhang Liao - C1-2. Wall jumper JC - When back is to the wall.

Move description.
C1-2. Arter running preformes an extra slice with his weapon.

Sima Yi - C4-2.

Move description.
C4-2. Lanuches forward and attacks 

Xu Huang - None.

Zhang He - C1-2, C1-3, C6-2. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C1-2, C1-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C1 with
a little forward momentum.

C6-2. Slashes right.

Zhen Ji - None.

Cao Ren - C3-ex. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
An elemental spread shot barrage.

Cao Pi - C2-S, C4-S, C5-S, C6-S, S9-C, JC-2 or JC-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C2-S, C4-S, C5-S, C6-S. Push S after C(#) to throw an ice orb.

S9-C. Push C after S9 to throw a vorpl orb.

JC-2 or JC-3. Captures the enemy in an air combo for each extra
time you push the C button in the air 2 extra hits will be added
to the combo. Limit of pressing C 3 times.

Pang De - Wall jumper JC.


10.D)---Hidden Moves For WU Warriors---[HM WU]

Zhou Yu - C4-2 or C4-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C4.

Lu Xun - None.

Taishi Ci - C6-2 C6-3.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Sun Shang Xiang - C6-2 C6-3. Wall jumper JC - When back is to the wall.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Sun Jian - Wall jumper JT-C

Sun Quan - Wall jumper JC.

Lu Meng - Wall jumper JC.

Gan Ning - JC-2 or JC-3.

Move description.
Captures the enemy in an air combo for each extra time you push the
C button in the air 2 extra hits will be added to the combo.
Limit of pressing C 3 times.

Huang Gai - C1-2.

Move description.
C1 can be held to place a bomb on the ground at his feet.
But pushing C1-2 throws a bomb.

Sun Ce - C6-2 C6-3.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Da Qiao - Wall jumper JC - When back is to the wall.

Xiao Qiao - C1-2, C1-3, C6-2, C6-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C1 and C6.

Zhou Tai - C6-2 and JC-2 or JC-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.

Zhou Tai will hold his sword for a while longer and glow red for a
more powerful sword lunge.

JC-2 or JC-3.
Captures the enemy in an air combo for each extra time you push the
C button in the air 2 extra hits will be added to the combo.
Limit of pressing C 3 times.

Ling Tong - None.


10.E)---Hidden Moves For Other 1 Warriors---[HM OTHER1]

Diao Chan - Wall jumper JC.

Lu Bu - C6-2, C6-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Dong Zhuo - JC-2 or JC-3. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
1 or 2 Extra foot stomps if you press the C button 1 or 2 more times
after landing back on the ground.

Yuan Shao - None.

Zhang Jiao - None.

Meng Huo - C1-2. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C1 with forward

Zhu Rong - C1-2 C1-3.
Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C1.

Zuo Ci - C6-2. Dir R1 + S. Wall jumper JC.

Move descriptions.
C6-2. Extra fire explosion

Dir R1 + S. Push Dir R1 and Zuo Ci will go in to a power up stance
push the S button while he is in the stance to perform a
powerful forward thrusting palm strike.


10.F)---Hidden Moves For Other 2 Warriors---[HM OTHER2]

Orochi - None.

Da Ji - None.

Taigong Wang - C2-2. 

Move description.
Pulls a giant fishing rod bobber from the air and slams it down on the
ground causing a delay yin yang explosive to appear.

Sun Wukong - R1 + S. Wall jumper JC.

Move description.
R1 + S. Push  R1 and Sun Wukong will go in to a power up stance
push the S button while he is in the stance before he releases his
mini monkeys to become a giant.

Fu Xi - C1-2, C6-2, C6-3.

Move descriptions.
C1-2. A forward downwards slash followed with an upwards slash.

C6-2, C6-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Nu Wa - C6-2, C6-3.

Move description.
C6-2, C6-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Yoshitsune Minamoto - None.

Kiyomori Taira - None.

Himiko - None.

Orochi X - C2-2.

Move description. 
He will do an extra move which looks like the reverse of Xu Huang's JC.
He will go spinning upwards instead of spinning while coming down.


10.G)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 1 Warriors---[HM SW1]

Yukimura Sanada - None.

Keiji Maeda - None.

Nobunaga Oda - None.

Mitsuhide Akechi - C6-2, C6-3.

Move description.
C6-2, C6-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C6.

Goemon Ishikawa - JS-2 or JS-3.

Move description.

JS-2. Goemon will try to sit on you 2 times.

JS-3. Goemon will try to sit on you 3 times.

Kenshin Uesugi - None.

Oichi - C4-2, C4-3.

Move description.
C4-2, C4-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C4.

Okuni - None.

Kunoichi - None.

Magoichi Saika - C4-ex.

Move description.
Fire larger bullets.

Shingen Takeda - C2-3, C3-3.

Move descriptions.
C2-3. Extra kicks.

C3-3. Extra headbuts.

Masamune Date - JS-2.

Move description.
He will fire his pistols rapidly causing him to gain some lift and
fly further when jumping. (This can be continued endlessly as long
Masamune remains in the air.)


10.H)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 2 Warriors---[HM SW2]

(Lady) No - C4-3.

Move description.
C4-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C4.

Hanzo Hattori - None.

Ranmaru Mori - None.


Hideyoshi Toyotomi - None.

Yoshimoto Imagawa - None.

Tadakatsu Honda - None.

Ina (-Hime) - C3-3 C3-4.

Move description.
C3-3 C3-4. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C3-2.

Ieyasu Tokugawa - None.

Mitsunari Ishida - None.

Nagamasa Azai - C8-2, C8-3.

Move description.
C8-2 C8-3. Consecutive continuing hits of the original C8.

Sakon Shima - None.


10.I)---Hidden Moves For Samurai 3 Warriors---[HM SW3]

Yoshihiro Shimasu - None.

Ginchiyo Tachibana - C7-ex.

Move description.
Fire 2 lasers insted of 1.

Kanetsugu Naoe - None.

(Lady) Nene - C4-3.

Move description.
Consecutive continuing hits of the original C4.

Kotaro Fuma - None.

Musashi Miyamoto - None.

Toshiie Maeda - None.

Motochika Chosokabe - None.

Gracia - R1 + S.

Move description.
R1 + S. Push  R1 and Gracia will go in to a power up stance
push the S button while she is in the stance before she releases her
Balls of light to release large yellow lightning blasts.

Kojiro Sasaki - None.

Katsuie Shibata - None.


11.A)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Shu---[SWS SHU]

Zhao Yun.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Highflier, Resolve, Supremacy.

Guan Yu.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Supremacy.

Zhang Fei.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Verity, Highflier. 
Zhuge Liang.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Verity, Supremacy.

Liu Bei.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Synergy, Supremacy.

Ma Chao.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Supremacy.

Huang Zhong.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Stability, Resolve.

Jiang Wei.


Ice, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Evasion, Supremacy.

Wei Yan.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Supremacy.

Pang Tong.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Stability, Resolve.

Yue Ying.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Highflier, Supremacy.

Guan Ping.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Resolve.

Xing Cai.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Resolve, Synergy.


11.B)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Wei---[SWS WEI]

Xiahou Dun.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Resolve, Supremacy.

Dian Wei.


Ice, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Resolve, Supremacy.
Xu Zhu.


Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Nutrition, Stability, Resolve.

Cao Cao.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Supremacy, Revival.

Xiahou Yuan.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Resolve, Supremacy.

Zhang Liao.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Evasion, Highflier.

Sima Yi.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Firepower, Supremacy.

Xu Huang.


Ice, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Resolve.

Zhang He.


Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Evasion, Highflier.

Zhen Ji.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Synergy.

Cao Ren.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Supremacy.

Cao Pi.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Highflier.

Pang De.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Stability.


11.C)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Wu---[SWS WU]

Zhou Yu.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Highflier, Synergy.

Lu Xun.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Highflier, Firepower, Verity.

Taishi Ci.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Resolve.

Sun Shang Xiang.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Evasion, Resolve.

Sun Jian.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Teamwork, Supremacy.

Sun Quan.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Synergy.

Lu Meng.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Firepower, Supremacy.

Gan Ning.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Supremacy.

Huang Gai.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Iron Will, Verity, Synergy.

Sun Ce.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Supremacy.

Da Qiao.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Highflier, Resolve.

Xiao Qiao.


Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Resolve, Supremacy.

Zhou Tai.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Nutrition, Teamwork, Stability.

Ling Tong.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Resolve.


11.D)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Other 1---[SWS OTHER 1]

Diao Chan.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Evasion, Synergy.

Lu Bu.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Resolve, Supremacy.

Dong Zhuo.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Iron Will, Stability, Revival.

Yuan Shao.


Ice, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Resolve, Synergy.

Zhang Jiao.


Ice, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Highflier, Revival.

Meng Huo.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Verity, Supremacy.

Zhu Rong.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Highflier, Supremacy.

Zuo Ci.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Resolve, Revival.


11.E)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Other 2---[SWS OTHER 2]



Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Resolve, Revival.

Da Ji.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Synergy.

Taigong Wang.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Highflier, Resolve, Supremacy.

Sun Wukong.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Synergy, Supremacy.

Fu Xi.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Stability, Supremacy.

Nu Wa.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Evasion, Revival.

Yoshitsune Minamoto.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Verity, Supremacy.

Kiyomori Taira.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Acrobatics, Verity, Revival.



Ice, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Stability, Supremacy.

Orochi X.


Ice, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Multi, Agility, Might.


Stability, Resolve, Revival.


11.F)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 1---[SWS SAMURAI 1]

Yukimura Sanada.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Iron Will, Highflier, Supremacy.

Keiji Maeda.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Resolve, Supremacy.

Nobunaga Oda.


Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Supremacy, Revival.

Mitsuhide Akechi.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Resolve, Synergy.

Goemon Ishikawa.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Verity, Supremacy.

Kenshin Uesugi.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Teamwork, Resolve.



Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Synergy.



Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Stability, Highflier, Resolve.



Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Stability, Highflier, Supremacy.

Magoichi Saika.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Evasion, Resolve.

Shingen Takeda.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Synergy, Supremacy.

Masamune Date.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Resolve, Supremacy.


11.G)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 2---[SWS SAMURAI 2]

(Lady) No.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Evasion, Stability.

Hanzo Hattori.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Evasion, Highflier.

Ranmaru Mori.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Iron Will, Supremacy.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Guile, Highflier, Supremacy.

Yoshimoto Imagawa.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Synergy, Revival.

Tadakatsu Honda.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Supremacy.

Ina (-Hime).


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Evasion, Supremacy.

Ieyasu Tokugawa.


Flame, Ice, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Firepower, Stability, Supremacy.

Mitsunari Ishida.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Guile, Evasion, Supremacy.

Nagamasa Azai.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Verity, Teamwork, Resolve.

Sakon Shima.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Resolve, Synergy.


11.H)---Suggested Weapon Setups Warriors of Samurai 3---[SWS SAMURAI 3]

Yoshihiro Shimazu.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Iron Will, Supremacy.

Ginchiyo Tachibana.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Stability, Highflier, Supremacy.

Kanetsugu Naoe.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Synergy, Supremacy.

(Lady) Nene.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Resolve.

Kotaro Fuma.


Flame, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Supremacy, Revival.

Musashi Miyamoto.


Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Stability, Highflier, Resolve.

Toshiie Maeda.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Multi, Agility, Might.


Teamwork, Stability, Synergy.

Motochika Chosokabe.


Bolt, Flash, Slay, Air, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Guile, Firepower, Highflier.



Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Teamwork, Supremacy.

Kojiro Sasaki.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Evasion, Stability, Revival.

Katsuie Shibata.


Flame, Bolt, Flash, Slay, Brave, Range, Agility, Might.


Verity, Stability, Supremacy.


12.)---Frequently Asked Questions---[FAQ's]

Question #01.) Almost everyone has the Effect Flame
equipped what gives? Are you some kind of a pyromaniac?

Answer #01.) Flame is awesome because I can see it doing damage.
(And if I can see something it kind of helps the creditability along
okay.) And it will not mess with the knock back. Human bowling is fun.

Question #02.) Why don't you ever mention the Effects Absorb, Drain,
or Rage?

Answer #02.) 1st off the Rage effect. This one has no value what so
ever and should be avoided at all costs, unless on a secondary weapon
for making a skill. As for Absorb and Drain. I feel almost the same
way about these 2 effects as Rage. However if you feel like you want
to put Absorb or Drain on your weapon then I suggest removing the Range
Effect from The above suggestions. But the main reason I do not feel
that Absorb or Drain should not be on the weapons at all is because
you have 3 people to choose from and when you run out or low on life
or musou you can switch out and the bars will fill back up
automatically. Koei made the game this way so you would use more than
just 1 warrior during the battle. And this just goes along with the
main gimmick/hook of the game as laid out in the in-game Tutorial
under the section fighting as a TEAM. There is also an abundance of
recovery item's that spawn in this game. And abilities that can help
you use less musou and have longer life and musou bars.

Question #03.) You never once added the Skill Almighty to anyone in
this guide. This Skill rocks/owns all. What is wrong with you?

Answer #03.) As said in the Introduction of the guide. This guide is
also in No way intended to be a suggested setup for the maximum damage
that you can muster up with the characters. Also, the effect of
Almighty adds the element Bolt to every attack when the musou gauge
is full. And that messes with the Knock back and fun of watching the
characters fly half a mile away and knock down another enemy. This is
the reason why the Skill Almighty is not in the guide.

Question #04.) Help I can not unlock Ingredients/Treasures needed to
unlock skill upgrades?

Answer #04.) Please refer to the Weapon FAQ (JIS) guide by Rydain.

Here is the link.


Rydain's guide is very detailed in giving help with how to obtain the
Ingredients/Treasures needed to unlock skill upgrades.

Question #05.) Are abilities for the characters randomly obtained?

Answer #05.) No they are not. Everyone gets a set of their own
abilities to obtain.

Here is a link to the guide used in Warriors Orochi 1.


All returning warriors are the same. But may not look it if you
started with Warriors Orochi 1 save file. If you did then start on
the 2nd one to acquire. As for the New Characters in the game, look
at the team info screen for how to get their Abilities.


13.)---Special Thanks---[THANKS]

Special Thanks and contributions credits go out to the following.

All of the users on the Gamefaqs Warriors Orochi 2 message boards.

Extra Special Thanks go out to.

Rydain For the outstanding job done on the Weapon FAQ. It really helps
a lot go read it right now. If you have not done so already.

Kiziek99 For providing the correct info on how to unlock the dream
/dramatic mode stages.

opfer gv For the skill / abilities guide from the 1st game.

DeadManWalkingX3 For providing the info on Yoshitsune Minamoto's
Orange Sword of Light.

pyro bunta For the info on the Sun Jian Suicide trick.
And for remiding about more of the hidden moves.

luBuwarriors For reminding us all of why FAQ guides need to be posted.

dragoonizer, aeonkh, and ravion09 For asking questions that others
would also have trouble with.

Sonicfannum1 For re-proof-reading the entire guide.

michaelbolton For suggesting to add the variations of the moves
and Wall jumper info in the hidden moves section.

pichtt For the info on Cao Pi and Cao Cao. And Pointing out
a correction 

Koei For making this game.

Gamefaqs.com for hosting this FAQ.

Neoseeker.com for hosting this FAQ.

Supercheats.com for hosting this FAQ.

gamesradar.com for hosting this FAQ.

cheatplanet.com for hosting this FAQ.

gamerlimit.com for hosting this FAQ.

14.)---Legal Stuff---[LEGAL]

The preceding. 

Warriors Orochi 2 FAQ. 
Version 1.2

Written By Trawn Garton


Is copyright 2009 By Trawn Garton.

Feel free to do as you wish with it.
So long as you abide by the following.

1.) Do not sell it for any monetary value. This guide is provided free
from all fees and charges from myself and other fans of this game.

2.) Do not modify any of the info expressed within this guide.
For your own personal gain.

3.) If you are going to use this guide in anyway on another site. You
must include The Special Thanks contributors section of this guide
and also give credit to the author. It is only fair.


End of Document.

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